Feature story photography for 1859 Oregon’s Magazine.
Let’s be honest, it’s never boring being a magazine photographer. It brings in some pretty memorable experiences and constantly new environments and challenges to face. Trust me, you really feel the 10,000 foot altitude when you go from sitting still driving for a few hours, to riding on the back of a snowmobile to suddenly sprinting through deep snow on the summit of a mountain chasing after a dog… and having to capture spectacular images… that’s not easy. My lungs had a hard time keeping up with the sudden fast cardio exertion and thin air. Then moments later (while still breathing hard) I was being buried inside a snow cave and “rescued” by a Labrador whose day job is to do daily training exercises just like this one to be ready for when an emergency happens.
Avalanches at Oregon ski resorts like Mt Bachelor and Mt Hood aren’t necessarily common, but when it happens, the ski patrol is ready to respond with their furry teammates. It’s really a pretty great life for the dogs. They spend their days, running, sniffing, digging, tugging and being rewarded with treats for a job well done. Isn’t that what every dog wants? Their enthusiasm is obvious by their energy every time the door of the ski patrol shed opens. They love what they do.
For us humans, it offers great peace of mind to know that if, or when, the unthinkable happens, there is a trained team ready to go running into the danger zone to respond… And in the meantime… we get to enjoy watching the adorable dogs having the time of their lives in training.